Saturday, August 17, 2019

World Hunger

We will often hear of people’s desire to solve world hunger, or to help feed and alleviate the suffering associated with it. However, meaningful long-term alleviation is rooted in the alleviation of poverty, as poverty has always led to hunger. As our efforts have only been directed at providing food, and improving food production or distribution, we then generate the structural root causes that create hunger, poverty and dependency to still remain. Along with this; continuous effort, recourses and energies are given to relieve the pains of hunger in our world. There are many inter-related issues that are the cause of hunger; these are also the same factors that are known to cause poverty. Agricultural practices, war, drought, overfishing and the wasting of food; are some of the many causes of both world hunger and poverty. Because they are connected in a way; solving world hunger becomes hard and nearly impossible to stop. Both hunger and poverty have always led to each other in the end; making the issue uncontrollable and unstoppable. In order for one of these issues to be solved, would require the alleviation of the other; causing a long, endless chain of continuation. Hunger and poverty are very serious issues, and in no way should just be swept under the rug. The amount of food that gets thrown away each day is shocking; and could probably feed 100 people. We don’t do this intentionally; but we waste pounds of food each day, by taking more than what we truly need. World Hunger is something that shouldn’t be such a big problem; but the truth is-it is, it always has been, probably always will be. We’ve got to stand our ground and fight hunger and poverty, cause they can’t do it alone, no one can. We must begin to think a little less about ourselves, and a little more about each other. World hunger and poverty have become very important to me because I have helped out at a homeless shelter, and I have seen the faces of these people; I’ve had the oppertunity to make a connection with them, a connection that most people wouldn’t understand. These people are fighters, you can see it in their eyes. They are survivors of the biggest battle, a battle that they shouldn’t have to fight, a battle that most people don’t even have to think about; and the amazing thing is, they haven’t stopped; their still fighting. They shouldn’t have to do this alone, I am one out of probably a million people who are trying to help them fight this battle; cause I care. All it took was one day, and it has completly changed my life. Seeing all these people, looking into their eyes, feeling their pain; yet seeing a heart full of hope and joy. It has become a life-changing experience that I will never forget. In conclusion, there are a lot of people in our world, with enough food to provide everyone twice a day, yet there are still so many people that are suffering and dying of hunger. We have to face this problem, not turn away from it. I have personally grown to love these people with all my heart, because what they have gone through is truly amazing. They have changed my life forever, and I hope a can help change theirs.

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